Category Archives: General

Healthcare Reform Declared Unconstitutional by Florida Federal Judge

Today, 1/31/2011, a federal judge in Pensacola, Florida declared the Healthcare Reform Law unconstitutional. Specifically,.... [Read more]

Conversion Factor Fee Calculator Now Available

Understanding the Conversion Factor and how it Affects Your Fees Ever read an insurance contract.... [Read more]

NP Insurance Enrollment Question – From Forum

Here is an interesting and common question that was posted in our forum. 8:16 pm.... [Read more]

PPS CEO Meets Clark Howard

I had an interesting opportunity a couple weeks ago to speak with the purveyor of.... [Read more]

PPS Racing

PPS and Mr. Eriksen is not afraid of taking risks which is evident by the.... [Read more]

It’s Official – Practice Financing Now Available

Physician Practice Specialists has entered now has access to some great financing opportunities for new.... [Read more]

DMEPOS Medicare Application Fee

Bad news for providers in the form of a new cost of doing business. Medicare.... [Read more]

Medical Licensing Employment Opportunity

We are looking for a medical license credentialing specialist who can take over our the.... [Read more]

Am I in PECOS? Check Now!!!

If you are questioning whether or not you are in PECOS, simply download the excel.... [Read more]